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Kakuma Girls: Sharing Stories of Hardship and Hope from Kakuma Refugee Camp

Author: Clare Morneau

How determined are you that facilitation can change the world / can save lives? Probably not as determined as someone with a relentless dream living in a refugee camp.

This book is so good, I can’t put it down. Inspiring is an understatement. It is stories of girls in refugee camp in Kakuma and their relentless optimism is…wow.

One year ago I met a fellow facilitator in an online learning forum who was running a facilitation business focused on systems change …he was a refugee from the Democratic of Congo and he was running his business in Nakivale Refugee Settlement, Uganda!

We connected and he was seeking my help because he so desperately wanted to attend Carleton University. This is an excerpt from the message he sent me long ago:

“I am looking for an opportunity to get admitted in school and get a degree that will help me channel my work , achieve my dream and spread my Vision around the world through my projects in both African and other under counted and under privileged countries !

Your assistance on my Journey process would be greatly appreciated and will not go unnoticed!

I also invite you to please have a 3mins to read my Story (an essay I just wrote about my life as a refugee and what I have built out the chaos , trauma and tribulations)”

I read his essay and I was mindblown.

His name is Fiston Muganda and he is CEO of www.projectunidos.org. Please check out some of the great work they’re doing.

Stories such as this open doors to see perspectives of others and help build our empathy.

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