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Deep Diversity: A Compassionate, Scientific Approach to Achieving Racial Justice

Author: Shakil Choudhury

This book is required reading for anyone interested in building a loving, just and diverse world and it has been the book I’ve gifted the most to my clients in 2022. I’ve read it more than once (which is saying a lot since I have a never ending to read list). I also have the Deep Diversity Framework on the wall of my office and refer to it frequently to guide my organizational development work.

These are only some reasons you should pick up this book, yesterday:

⚖ It is simply not possible to be an effective leader without not only emotional intelligence, but what Julie Diamond refers to as “Power Intelligence“. This book sets out a clear map for getting there, and welcomes us all to take the journey.

⚖ Shakil Choudhury is an award winning social justice educator with over 25 years of experience and the co-founder of Anima Leadership, an award winning organization whose mission is offering innovative organizational change and training solutions to nurture inclusive, productive workplaces and communities.

⚖ This book is hands-down the most useful, accessible book I’ve read on strategies for achieving deep, enduring equity at the personal, organizational, and community level. It provides a structured framework.

⚖Shakil Choudhury writes compelling stories with cutting edge research, ranging from neuroscience to political theory to emotional intelligence.

⚖ A quick and engaging read at 185 pages, without compromising comprehensiveness and depth in an extremely complex topic.

⚖ Regardless of your knowledge in this topic,  you’ll leave feeling motivated, supported and connected to a world that so needs building an inclusive environment and address the growing polarization threatening civil society.

If you are interested in building an inclusive community, organization, and world, reading and applying this book, is a huge leap on how to be a brilliant, compassionate and effective leader in any field – a leader that can help unleash the massive collective power and wisdom of diverse teams, organizations and communities.

Pages: 240

Publishing Date: September 28, 2021

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