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Navigating Complex Landscape at the Canadian Human Rights Commission

In the face of challenges stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic and organizational shifts, explore how we focused on guiding the CHRC in aligning its diverse teams. Our objective was to identify and prioritize key operational goals for the upcoming year.

The Client

The Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) is a pivotal organization dedicated to upholding human rights in Canada.

CHRC operates through five specialized branches: Governor in Council Appointees, Executive Office, Complaints Services Branch, Corporate Management Branch, and Proactive Compliance Branch. Each branch contributes unique expertise towards promoting and protecting human rights in Canada, working in tandem to uphold the CHRC’s mission.

The Challenge

The CHRC faced the intricate task of synchronizing these diverse branches, each with its distinct operational focus and resource constraints. The overarching challenge was to forge a unified strategic direction, maximizing the efficacy of each branch’s contributions while judiciously managing their limited resources.

Our Approach

To address these challenges, the CHRC organized a comprehensive two-day business planning session. This involved:

Pre-Session Confidential Interviews:

Individual interviews with participants provided insights into each branch’s challenges and expectations.

Strategic Reflection and Visioning:

Participants first reflected on CHRC’s journey, utilizing creative metaphors to express challenges and opportunities. This set the stage for envisioning a future where strategic priorities were clearly defined and aligned with the CHRC’s mission.

Prioritization and Collaboration Exercises:

Through facilitated discussions, participants reviewed and categorized priorities, focusing on essential activities and areas needing improvement. This led to a consensus on critical priorities, fostering enhanced inter-team collaboration.

Risk Management and Innovation:

Identifying potential obstacles and embracing innovative solutions were key aspects. The session focused on managing risks and leveraging innovative approaches for better outcomes.

Actionable Outcomes:

The session concluded with clear action steps, accountability assignments, and timelines, ensuring that the insights and decisions made were effectively translated into concrete plans.

The Impact

The outcome of the session was a more unified CHRC, with a clear set of priorities and a path forward. Enhanced collaboration and strategic clarity emerged as significant achievements, leading to a more effective operational framework. This strategic alignment is poised to significantly impact the CHRC’s ability to uphold and advocate for human rights across Canada.

I had the pleasure of working with Manal on a complex organization-wide planning exercise. Manal brought a human-centred approach to the process that began with understanding the perspectives of the participants. Through preliminary discussions with every member of the team, Manal quickly established trust and identified where people’s views aligned and where opinions differed.

Manal’s approach is centered in honesty, respect, empathy, and compassion. Manal facilitated our plenary discussions with a balance of structure and flexibility – easily adapting to the needs of the moment, giving people space to express their opinions, while remaining focused on our overarching objectives and schedule.

Manal is a true professional and I would welcome the chance to work with her again!

Jeff MeldrumActing Director GeneralStrategic Policy and Communications BranchCanadian Human Rights Commission

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