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To Sell Is Human: The Surprising Truth About Moving Others

Author: Daniel H. Pink

I love posting about things that challenge our conventional thinking. Daniel Pink does the most incredible job!

What do you think of when you think of sales? The same image comes to most of our minds: sleazy, manipulative car salesman (in a plaid suit).

*why must he be in a plaid suit? 😅*

This book helped with a lot of unlearning and outdated views. It lays arguments for a broad rethinking of sales as we know it. Truth is, we are all in sales!

The very fact that you are on this platform, makes you a salesman/saleswoman! Sales in our everyday:

⭐A nonprofit selling an idea to a funder
⭐An entrepreneur selling their service
⭐An organization selling their products
⭐ Marketing your skills on LinkedIn
⭐ Sending an email to a colleague

Sales even appears in our personal lives…like convincing our partner to eat out at a certain restaurant.

I wanted to share the following questions one should ask themselves that are at the core of giving genuine #service (personal and/or professional):

1. If the person you are selling to agrees to buy, will his or her life improve?

2. When your interaction is over, will the world be a better place than when you began?

If the answer to any of these questions is no, you’re doing something wrong.

I ask myself similar questions before I make a post!

This book is filled with anecdotes, insights, and studies and I highly recommend it!

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